Monday, September 26

Updates From AISPA - Ashok Bahirwani (24 Sept. 2011)

Good Evening Speakasians,

First of all let me profusely THANK all the panelists who have offered their heartfelt condolences to me in this sad moment.

My family joins me in thanking each one of you personally for the kind words; we acknowledge your love and concern.

The news that the company officials have set up an official E mail ( dedicated to answer the queries of the panelists has been received very well by the panelist family. I urge all the panelists to use this important forum to air genuine concerns and for important queries and not flood the E mail with questions like when payout will start or when the website will be functional etc.

I once again wish to place on record that nobody can give a time frame to such things especially when the matter is sub-judice. The company is moving all fronts to see a quick solution of the problem and a fast normalization of the company activities.

We all have read the press note of 19th September, 2011 posted on the company’s official BlogSpot how the much awaited meeting with the RBI took place and how the high ranking committee gave the company representatives a patient hearing. These are small steps but then great achievements have always been started with small steps don’t we remember Neil Armstrong’s (first man on the moon) famous words

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

In India we always look up for divine intervention and conduct puja’s and havan’s to invoke the blessings of lord almighty. Panelists from Mathura have sent me this mail which is self explanatory:

जैसा की हम सभी जानते है हमारी कंपनी बुरे वक़्त से गुजर रही है इसलिए हम मथुरा के एक प्रतिष्ठित पंडित श्री दाऊ दयाल जी से मिले उन्होंने हमें कंपनी की मोजुदा परिस्थिति के बारे में बताया उन्होंने कहा कि कंपनी के ऊपर शनि चल रहा है और wo 15 नवम्बर तक रहेगा उसके बाद स्पीक एशिया के बहुत ही अच्छे दिन आयेंगे लेकिन agar शनि देव कि शांति के लिए एक पूजा rakhwayi jaye तो शनि देव प्रसन्न होकर स्पीक एशिया के लिए ज्यादा नुकसान नहीं होने देंगे तो हम कुछ पनेलिस्ट मिलकर यहाँ के ( मथुरा ) एक प्राचीन मदिर कोकिला वन शनि देव मदिर में शनि शांति पूजा रखवा रहे है chunki अभी कनागत चल रहे है तो पूजा १ अक्टूबर shaniwar को kar रहे है jaha हम vidhivat पूजा karne के बाद gareebon को khana और prashad vitran karenge और स्पीक एशिया की jaldi wapsi के लिए prarthna karenge.

पूजा में Rajeev Tiwari जी , Arun शर्मा , नवीन शर्मा , vinod gautam , और मथुरा के और टॉप लीडर्स शामिल रहेंगे .


I on behalf of the AISPA committee and the entire speakasia panelist family thank the Mathura group for having taken this holy initiative to help us overcome these difficult times.

In a war like situation we know the enemy tries to infiltrate into our midst and tries to spread rumors and carnage to somehow create an atmosphere of disbelief and panic. The enemy has understood that it is the rock solid resolve and the unconditional support of the panelists which has motivated the company to fight against all odds to restart and normalize the operations as swiftly as possible.

This attempt of the enemy was evident by their foolish and desperate attempt to spread a blatant lie by way of a forged document ( ref important update dated 23rd September, 2011) which had been doctored and maliciously authored to spread a blatant lie, forgetting that he (the enemy) is trying to address a family of educated and intelligent panelists who pride in being called empowered consumers, Sir, (whoever you are) we Speakasians are made of sterner stuff you will have to think up more genuine ideas if you even have an iota of hope to spread rumors and divide this strongly knit family.

SAOL is no longer a revenue generating module for us Speakasians; it has now become our identity

”I am Speakasia… Speakasia is me”

Speakasians, have patience, have faith, and trust your company.

Remember in the final analysis VICTORY WILL BE OURS.

Proud to be a speakasian

Jai Speakasia
Ashok Bahirwani